WE HELP YOU GET “100% Clarity” on Your Vision-Dream Lifestyle
(Including both Professional & Personal Pursuits)
Many people talk about “work-life” balance, but few “high-performers” & “elite-achievers” are able to succeed in both their professional & personal pursuits, equally. We help you gain “100% Clarity” on your Full-Life (professional, personal, & spiritual) Vision, so you can align your priorities for Full-Life Success instead of trying (& often failing) to “balance” life.
We all struggle, at times, to maintain the “100% Belief” that we have what it takes to create our dream future. Fears, doubts, & uncertainty are a normal part of life, so we help you build a rock solid belief in your partnership with God. Your mindset and intentional actions, daily, will align with His belief in you & your growing belief in Him & His plan for your life.
Our proprietary “Full-Life Success Framework” helps you prioritize your time, so you can stay on track regardless of life's circumstances & situations or your limitations & successes. We can Guarantee that your personalized “Framework” will help you generate momentum, accelerate success, & create wealth, both professionally & personally.
WE HELP YOU DEVELOP “100% Belief” that You Can Create It
(Aligning Your Mindset & Actions with Your Faith)
WE HELP YOU DESIGN YOUR “Full-Life Success Framework”
(To Retain “100% Clarity”, Maintain “100% Belief”, & Sustain “100% of the Time”)
To Learn More About Our “Peak Performance Lifestyle” Coaching
Mr. Nardone has been coaching and privately mentoring successful business executives, professionals, business owners, athletes, creatives, and entrepreneurs for two decades. He is considered “The Catalyst” by high performers and elite achievers, alike, because many have experienced mindset breakthroughs and life trajectory shifts during just one meeting or conversation with him.
JD is known for helping each individual learn to align Mindset and Intentional Action with Faith to transform her/his lifestyle and experience a more fulfilling and successful journey. As a Life and Business Strategist, he is often sought after to co-design a Full-Life Success Framework that includes practical strategies and simple steps to effectuate real, transformative change at any age and from any starting position in life. Whether you’re a HNWI, Executive, Professional, or Entrepreneur, JD “The Catalyst” can help you elevate YOUR Success, Wealth, and Happiness via our time-tested, peak performance system.
Many high-achieving Executives have financial success and peer recognition, but recognize that other areas of life could use some adjustments. JD guides you through the process of designing a Full-Life Success Framework, for a balanced lifestyle, that guarantees greater levels of fulfillment and success, both professionally and personally. Talk with JD, if you desire to create the elevated life that God created you to enjoy.

Small Business Owner
JD enjoys working with owners because they understand what it takes to win. Unfortunately, many owners are stuck in either “entrepreneur” or “employee” mode, which requires that they be at the business every day to “keep it running”. As a Life and Business Strategist, JD helps shift the mindset of owners, so they can transition to a more fulfilling lifestyle. Let’s talk about how God wants to partner with you.
Regardless of your field, industry, or role, we can help you increase your capacity to level up in your current position, refine your vision for advancement, and create a roadmap to guide your next steps. JD has worked with top athletes, creatives, and high-achievers helping them grow personally and professionally via our time-tested coaching program. Contact us, today, to learn more about how JD can help.

JD began his entrepreneurial journey, decades ago, as a dotcom founder. He understands if you are starting the journey and working 70-100 hrs. per week or if you’ve achieved success and are looking to transition into a business owner’s lifestyle, so you can enjoy the benefits of what you’ve built. If life balance and creating a work schedule that’s sustainable are important to you, JD can help.
Q: Do you have a payment plan available?
A: Yes. We do offer a payment plan with (3) installments. We, also, offer a discount for paying your tuition in (1) payment.
Q: Is there a difference between the 70-day & 90-day programs?
A: No, all of the content is exactly the same. The 70-day program is for those individuals who desire results more quickly & have a little extra time available, weekly, to invest in the program. The 90-day schedule has a bit more flexibility built into it, on a monthly basis, so individuals who are super busy can still be successful by working at a slower pace.
Q: Do you offer a guarantee?
A: Yes. After two decades of coaching, we can offer students a simple guarantee. “If you follow the program, step-by-step, & complete every assignment on time, then our time-tested system will help you develop a peak performance mindset based on your God-given identity & purpose.”
Q: Are the live group workshops recorded?
A: Yes. We will record all sessions and make them available for students who are unable to attend. You may submit questions prior to the workshop, so we can provide an answer during the live session.
Q: Is your peak performance coaching program designed for certain people?
A: Yes and no. We integrate Biblical principles, for personal development, success, and wealth creation, into the foundation of our peak performance coaching program, so our students must be open to learning practical applications of Biblical truths. There are no specific demographics or requirements to become a student and benefit from our coaching program.
Q: How do I know if your program is right for me?
A: If you’re not sure that our coaching program will empower you to produce real change in your life, then schedule your FREE strategy call with JD, today.