About Us
Coaching Program: We offer personalized coaching services tailored to c-suite executives, small business owners, entrepreneurs, and professionals, as well as, the individual who has a job in the 'corporate world' and desires to either elevate her/his leadership skills or explore entrepreneurship to leverage opportunities and grow beyond his/her current limitations.
International Speaker: Mr. Nardone speaks to audiences of all sizes about how to Generate Momentum, Accelerate Success, and Create Wealth by applying Biblical principles in all areas of their lives. JD has the ability to customize his talk, so your group’s unique needs, circumstances, and interests are addressed and practical action steps with tangible outcomes can be included to add value for attendees.
Strategy Consulting: We assist organizations in the assessment of business development opportunities and the creation of strategic plans based on identifying creative, “Max-Value” scenarios and communicating these value-added relationships in a compelling manner. This approach drives acquisition and retention while increasing revenue per product offering and over the life of the customer.
What our clients are saying

JD Nardone founded Marketplace Renewal Int'l, in 2005, as an Executive Coaching and Strategy Consulting firm. Our peak performance Coaching Program helps you overcome limitations by aligning Mindset and Intentional Action with Faith to Generate Momentum, Accelerate Success, and Create Wealth, both professionally and personally, in 90 days or less. As Strategy Consultants, we partner with small and medium-sized enterprises to help them seize opportunities through our proprietary “Max-Value” methodology.

“JD helped me overcome anxiety and fear associated with my desire to transition from a professional to an entrepreneur. He guided me through a process of connecting deeply with God and taking inventory of my life experiences, skills, and gifts, so I could see myself as God sees me. The coaching system that JD has honed over the years empowered me to step out of my comfort zone and into my destiny with confidence and a framework for success.” –Angelina R.
“When I met JD, I had racked up professional achievements and accumulated significant financial wealth, but in other areas of my life, I was struggling. I knew I needed help, but didn’t know how to begin or who to trust. JD taught me simple, yet profound, steps to developing new definitions of success and wealth for my life. He was always honest, even when it stung a bit, and transparent about his own journey, which helped me trust him. I’m happier and wealthier because of JD’s coaching and his friendship.” –Paul L.
“I didn’t totally understand what JD meant when he said, “I’ll help you align your faith, mindset, and action”, but I signed up for the 70-day program, anyway, because I wanted to tap into his two decades of experience. I’m so glad I took that first step. Now, I have a stronger foundation of faith, which has shifted my mindset to align with Biblical principles for success. JD helped me develop a strategic roadmap that will continue to guide the actions required to achieve my full potential and create generational wealth!” –Michelle M.